If you have any questions about setting up an account, choosing a request type, or any other concerns, please contact the Distance Learning Library Services office.
Margot Davis
Resource Sharing Specialist
(678) 839-6521
Angela Mehaffey
ILL & Distance Learning Library Services Manager
(678) 839-6354
Ingram Library is dedicated to serving the needs of all faculty, staff, and students. Off campus students have access to all the same services and resources that on campus students do. In addition to our large collections of electronic books, articles, and other materials, Distance Learning Library Services will ensure you have access to everything you need in physical media as well.
First you need to set up an ILLiad account (first-time users go here) so you can have access to all of our Distance Education services.
For distance education students, the process is essentially:
Distance Education Students who live near other USG Libraries, like the ones at Georgia Southern or Kennesaw State University, have the option to request books from any USG library be sent to a USG library near them. Regardless of location, all distance education students can use ILLiad to request the item be mailed to you.