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Finding Articles in Education Databases

There are many places to find articles for Education-related research. We recommend starting the Education databases for most topics. Each database contains different materials so try several databases to get all the resources on your topic.  Depending on your topic, you may want to try databases in other fields, like sociology, business, computer science, or psychology.

Education Databases:

Library Science Databases (includes school media and information literacy topics)


Many of our subject databases have dissertations listed in them that are specific to that area of study.  We particularly recommend the following databases for full text education dissertations.  Others you may need to request by filling out the Dissertation form on ILLiad.  To find dissertations, go into our recommended databases that cover its discipline and do a search.  Then choose dissertations on the left side menu of the results page.  Your subject librarian can help you find dissertations on your topic, if needed.