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Sports Management


Welcome to the resource guide for Sports Management!

Through the blue tabs on this guide, you will access many of the major resources you will need for research in Sports Management. Sports Management at UWG is housed in the College of Education but this does not mean that you will be solely using Education resources. For Sports Management research you will weave together eduation, psychology, business, and legal resources.

There might be other sources individual professors will suggest you use for specific projects and you also might find exploring the library's website to be helpful to find additional sources. This guide is not comprehensive, but will get you started!

When starting a research project, start by exploring the resources in the General Info tab to get background information. These sources can also help you narrow your topic. Next, go to Finding Sources to look for books and articles on your topic. Of course, at any time you can Get Help with your research.

This guide is not a substitute for getting live research help -- it's just a reference for you.

Happy researching!