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William (Bill) G. Hamrick
- William (Bill) G. Hamrick III was born on October 6, 1964 in Carroll County. Hamrick attended Carrollton High School before receiving a bachelor's degree in business administration from Auburn University. In 1992, he then earned a law degree from the Georgia State University College of Law. Prior to serving as a Georgia state senator, Hamrick worked on the Governor's Task Force for Drug Suppression, and in DeKalb County as an intern prosecuting criminal cases. Hamrick was also the 7th District congressional liaison with the Carroll County Republican Party and in 1998 the Republican nominee for House District 101. Following the death of Georgia State Senator Sam P. Roberts, Hamrick won the 30th District Senate seat in 2000. During his time in office, Hamrick served on a range of different committees, including chairing the Committee on Higher Education and the Banking and Financial Institutions Committee. He co-chaired a committee that would assure the HOPE scholarship program remained viable for future Georgians. Hamrick also served on the Carroll County Chamber of Commerce, and completed the Leadership Carroll County program. He is a member of Carrollton First United Methodist Church, where he serves on the Long Range Planning Committee. In 2012, Hamrick resigned his office of senator in order to serve as judge for the Coweta Circuit Superior Court, a position which he still occupies as of March 2014. Interviewed by Mel Steely on November 1, 2013 at an unknown location.