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University of West Georgia
Georgia Political Papers and Oral History Program
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Georgia Political Papers and Oral History Program
The Georgia Political Papers and Oral History Program is comprised of over 3,000 linear feet of archival collections, along with an extensive number of oral history interviews, that document the unique political culture of the state of Georgia.
Bob Barr papers
Jack E. Threadgill papers
Georgia political oral history interviews
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Alexander, Cecil Abraham Jr.
Arnall, Ellis
Barnard, Douglas Druie Jr.
Barnes, Roy E.
Barr, Robert Laurence "Bob"
Bell, Griffin Boyette
Bouris, Bill and Margery
Brass, Matt
Busbee, George
Butler, Mark
Byrd, Garland Turk
Callaway, Howard Hollis "Bo"
Carter, James Earl "Jimmy"
Coleman, Terry
Collins, Marcus
Coverdell, Paul
Cox, Lera Catharine " Cathy"
Darden, George (Buddy)
Davis, Dock
Duke, Nellie Dunaway
Evans, James Randolph
Flynt, John James "Jack" Jr.
Fowler, Wyche Jr.
Garner, Wayne
Gillis, Carl
Gingrey, John Phillip
Gingrich, Newton Leroy "Newt"
Groover, Denmark "Denny"
Hamrick, William (Bill) G. III
Harris, Joe Frank
Hatcher, Charles
Heath, Bill
Howard, Pierre
Irvin, Robert A. "Bob"
Isakson, Johnny
Jenkins, Ed
Jones, Ben Lewis
Jones, Robert "Bud"
Kidd, Edwards Culver Jr.
Lance, Thomas Bertram
Landrum, Phil M.
Lee, William J.
Levitas, Elliott Harris
Linder, John
Mackay, James
Maddox, Lester Garfield
Mattingly, Mack Francis
McGinnis, Joe
Miller, Zell B.
Minter, James G. "Jim"
Murphy, Thomas Bailey "Tom"
Oxford, Cliff W.
Perdue, George Ervin "Sonny" III
Ray, Richard Belmont
Richardson, Glenn
Rowland, James Roy
Seabaugh, Mitch
Sethna, Beheruz
Smith, George Thornewell
Smith, Lynn
Stallings, Tracy P.
Stephens, Robert Grier Jr.
Stuckey, John
Talmadge, Herman Eugene
Thomas, Robert Lindsay
Thompson, Standish Fletcher
Tisdale, Allyne
Tisinger, Robert "Bob"
Townsend, Kiliaen Van Rensselaer "Kil"
Vandiver, Ernest Jr.
Wade, Rogers
Walker, Charles
Walker, Larry
Weltner, Charles
Westlake, James "Jim" RogerSr.
Westmoreland, Lynn A.
Williams, Hosea
Mayors of Carrollton GA
Oral history interview transcripts
George B. Hamilton
Newt Gingrich papers - searching tools
George B. Hamilton
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