Relating to the Chattahoochee Convention
Chattahoochee Musical Convention, Earl V. Thurman, and Georgia Dept. of Archives and History. [Chattahoochee Musical Convention records, 1852-1971].
3 volumes
ML3111 .C43x 1972
Oral History collection
OH-0014 to OH-0017
Sacred Harp Singing at Wilson's Chapel (Chattahoochee Convention) on August 2, 1981.
Audio recordings
General Sacred Harp
Sacred Harp printed materials collection. MS-0054. Shelf 1024.
Myron W. House papers, MS-0053. Shelf 1026. See sub-series, Research files on Sacred Harp.
White, B. F. 1800-1879, Alan Lomax, Recorded Anthology of American Music Inc., and Alabama Sacred Harp Convention. White Spirituals from the Sacred Harp. New York, N.Y.: New World Records, 1977.
1 disc
M2117.W59 W55x 1977
Denney, Dylan. Tommy Nunn, and Chattahoochee Sacred Harp Singing Convention (150th : 2002 ). Chattahoochee Sacred Harp Convention. [S.l.: s.n., 2002. Audio.
2 compact discs
M2101 .C52x 2002 Pt. 1
Denney, Dylan, and Chattahoochee Sacred Harp Singing Convention (150th: 2002). Chattahoochee Sacred Harp Singing Convention. 150th session. Day 2. [S.l. : s.n., 2002] ([S.l.]: Oasis CD Manufacturing). Audio.
M2101 .C52x 2002 Pt. 2
Colored sacred harp, Recorded Anthology of American Music, Inc., and Wiregrass Sacred Harp Singers. The colored sacred harp. New York, N.Y.: New World Records, 1993. Audio.
1 sound disc
M2117 .C724X 1993
Unknown. Sacred harp singing. Cambridge, MA: Rounder, 1998. Audio.
1 sound disc
M2101 .S33X 1998
McGraw, Hugh, Daniel W. Patterson, and Southern Traditional Singers. The Social harp: early American shape-note songs. Somerville, Mass: Rounder Records, c1994. Audio.
1 sound disc
M2101 .S63X 1994
Unknown. The First National Sacred Harp sing: June 2d-29, 1980. Atlanta, Ga: Mobile Media, [between 1980 and 1985]. Audio.
8 sound cassettes, 2 copies
SPEC COLL LR(1) – In process of being cataloged (3/11/13)
Sacred Harp Publishing Company. Fasola is here to stay and Sacred Harp Bicentennial Celebration. Chicago, IL: Morning Trumpet, 1997. Audio.
1 sound disc
M2082 .F37X 1997
Unknown. Sacred harp singing at the old country church. [Chicago, Ill.?]: Morning Trumpet Recordings, 1997. Audio.
1 sound disc
M2101 .S34X 1997
Lomax, Alan. Harp of a thousand strings: all day singing from The sacred harp. Cambridge, Mass.: Rounder, 1998. Audio
1 sound disc
M2117.S23 H37x 1998
White, B. F., Wiregrass Sacred Harp Singers, and Recorded Anthology of American Music, Inc. Desire for piety: songs from B.F. White sacred harp. New York, NY: New World Records, 1997. Audio
1 sound disc
M2117 .D4X 1997
Lomax, Alan. And glory shone above: more all day singing from The sacred harp. Cambridge, Mass.: Rounder, 1998. Audio.
1 sound disc
M2117 .S23 A53X 1998
Phillips, Barry, and Shelley Phillips. Wondrous love. Felton, California: Gourd, 1994. Audio.
1 sound disc
M2080.5 .P55X 1994
Lanier, Trevor, Ann McCleary, University of West Georgia Center for Public History, and University of West Georgia Dept. of Music. Set your fields on fire: a collection of sacred music. Carrollton, GA: Center for Public History, University of West Georgia, 2005-. Audio.
Sound discs
M1999 .S47x 2005
Village Harmony (Musical group). Endless light: spiritual songs by a new generation. Plainfield, VT: Northern Harmony, [1997]. Audio
1 sound disc
M2080.5 .V55X 1997
Various artists. Goodbye, Babylon. Atlanta, GA: Dust-to-Digital, 2003. Audio.
6 sound discs
M2101 .G66x 2003
McGraw, Hugh. How to sing sacred harp music: its history and tradition. [Bremen, GA]: Unique Musical Services, 1984. Audio.
1 sound cassette
MT855 .M34X
Hauff, Judy, and University of Chicago Folklore Society. Can I leave you: the fourth annual Midwest Sacred Harp Singing Convention. Chicago, Ill.: Chicago Sacred Harp Singers, 1990. Audio.
1 sound cassette
M2101 .M54X 1989
Unknown. Favorite Songs. Bremen, Ga.: Sacred Harp Publishing Co., 198?. Audio.
1 sound cassette
M2101 .F38X
Unknown. Amazing grace. Bremen, Ga.: Sacred Harp Publishing Co., 198?. Audio.
1 sound cassette
M2101 .A62X
Hauff, Judy. Angels on the wing: American Christmas tunes from the shape-note tradition. Chicago: Chicago Sacred Harp Singers, 1989. Audio.
1 sound cassette
M2085 .H38X
Hauff, Judy. Help me to sing: the third annual Midwest Sacred Harp Singing Convention. Chicago: Chicago Sacred Harp Singers, 1988. Audio.
2 sound cassettes
M2101 .M54X 1988
Hauff, Judy. Return again. Chicago: Chicago Sacred Harp Singers, 1990. Audio
1 sound cassette
M2101 .M54X 1990
Feddersen, John. The complete sacred harp reference tapes. Bremen, Ga.: Sacred Harp Publishing Co., 1971. Audio.
4 sound cassettes
MT875 .C66X
Feddersen, John. Sacred harp learning resource tape. Bremen, Ga.: Sacred Harp Press, 1987. Audio.
1 sound cassette
MT875 .S33X
The below are part of the Oral History collection.
OH-0014 to OH-0017 Sacred Harp Singing at Wilson’s Chapel (Chattahoochee Convention) on August 2, 1981.
OH-0043 to OH-0044 Musical instruction for Sacred Harp singing, Singing School on June 7, 1982. Tracks 1 and 2.
OH-0045 Musical instruction for Sacred Harp singing, Singing School on June 8, 1982. Tracks 1 and 2.
OH-0047 Musical instruction for Sacred Harp singing, Singing School on June 9, 1982. Tracks 1 and 2.
OH-0048 Musical instruction for Sacred Harp singing, Singing School on June 10, 1982. Tracks 1 and 2.
OH-0059 Sacred Harp Singing in Birmingham, 1942. Library of Congress Music Division Recording. Tracks 1 and 2.
OH-0068 Musical performance, Sacred Harp singing, Dewey P. Williams 85th birthday on March 6, 1983. Tracks 1 and 2.
OH-0085 to OH-0086 Musical performance, Sacred Harp singing n.d. Tracks 1 and 2.
OH-0089 to OH-0093 Musical performance, Sacred Harp singing n.d. Tracks 1 and 2.
OH-0099 to OH-0103 Musical performance, Sacred Harp singing n.d. Tracks 1 and 2.
OH-0110 Musical recording, Primitive Baptist Hymns of the Blue Ridge n.d. Tracks 1 and 2.
OH-0149 to OH-0151 Musical performance, Sacred Harp singing on May 14, 1986. Tracks 1 and 2.
Hinton, Matt, Erica Hinton, and Awake Productions. Awake my soul: the story of Sacred Harp. Atalanta, GA: Awake Productions, c2006. Video.
1 DVD videodisc
ML3188 .A93x 2006
Hinton, Matt, John Plunkett, Erica Hinton, and Awake Productions. Awake, my soul: the story of the Sacred Harp. Atlanta, GA: Awake Productions, c2007. Video.
2 disc special edition
ML3188 .A93x 2007
Musical Score
White, B.F. 1800-1879, and E.J. King. The sacred harp,. Nashville: Broadman Press, c1968.
M2117 .W59 S3 1859A
White, B.F 1800-1879, E.J. King, and J.L. White. The sacred harp/. Atlanta: J. L. White, 1911.
M2117 .W59 S3 1911
Jackson, J. (Judge), 1883-1958. The Colored sacred harp/. Ozark, Alabama: H.J. Jackson, 1983.
M2117 .C723 1983
Denson, T. J. (Thomas Jackson), 1863-1935. Original sacred harp: Denson revision: the best collection of sacred songs, hymns, odes and anthems, ever offered the singing public for general use. Haleyville, Alabama: Sacred Harp Publishing Co., c1936.
M2117 .W59 S3 1936
Denson, Owel W. “Original sacred harp,” Denson revision. 1960 supplement; a fine collection of hymns, class songs, and anthems. Cullman, Alabama: Sacred Harp Publishing Co., c1960.
M2117 .W59 S3 1960
White, B. F. 1800-1879, E. J. King, T. J. Denson, and Paine Denson. Original sacred harp, (Denson revision);. Cullman, Alabama: Sacred Harp Publishing Co., [1971].
M2117 .W59 S3 1971
White, B. F. 1800-1879, E. J. King, T. J. Denson, and Paine Denson. Original sacred harp: (Denson revision); the best collection of sacred songs, hymns, odes, and anthems ever offered the singing public for general use. Cullman, Alabama: Sacred Harp Publishing Co, 1967.
M2117 .W59 S3 1967
White, B. F., E. J. King, and J. S. James. Original sacred harp: containing a superior collection of standard melodies, of odes, anthems, and church music, and hymns of high repute: rudiments, retaining all valuable standard regulations, arr. With all modern up-to-date improvements. Atlanta, Ga: [s.n.], 1911.
M2117 .W59 S3 1911b
White, B. F. 1800-1879. The B. F. White sacred harp: the selections are from the old Sacred Harp, remodeled and revised, together with additions from the most eminent authors, including new music. Samson, Alabama: Sacred Harp Book Co., [196-] c1949.
M2117 .W59 S3 1949
Sacred music songbooks. 1857-1977. LH-0002. Shelf 1023-1024.
Barker, Homer L. [Dr. Homer L. Barker 1884-1963]. LH-0008. Shelf 1021.
White B.F. The Sacred harp; a collection of psalm and hymn tunes, odes and anthems selected from the most eminent authors… Atlanta, Ga.: C.P. Byrd, [1870].
M2117 .W59 S3 1870
McCurry, John G. The Social harp. Daniel W. Patterson and John F. Garst, eds. Athens: University of Georgia Press, 1973.
M2117 .M134 S6
Swan, M. L. The New harp of Columbia. Knoxville: University of Tennessee Press, 1978.
M2117 .N52 1978
Swan, M. L., and W.H. Swan. The new harp of Columbia. Knoxville: University of Tennessee Press, 1978.
M2117 .N52 2001
Old Stoughton Musical Society. The Stoughton Musical Society’s centennial collection of sacred music: consisting of selections from the earliest American authors, as originally written, together with a few selections from European and modern composers. New York, N.Y.: Da Capo Press, c1980.
M2117 .Q45 S8 1980
Walker, William. The Southern harmony & musical companion: containing a choice collection of tunes, hymns, psalms, odes, and anthems selected from the most eminent authors in the United States and well adapted to Christian churches of every denomination, singing schools, and private societies. Lexington, KY: University Press of Kentucky, c1987.
M2117 .S74 1987
Walker, William. The southern harmony songbook. New York: Hastings House, 1939.
M2117 .W18 S5 1939a
Printed Materials
The Sacred Harp. 4th edition [1870].
Cobb, Buell E. The sacred harp: a tradition and its music. Athens: University of Georgia Press, 1978.
ML3111 .C6
Boyd, Joe Dan. Judge Jackson and the Colored sacred harp. Montgomery, Ala: Alabama Folklife Association, c2002.
ML3188 .B69 2002
Ellington, Charles Linwood. The Sacred Harp tradition of the South: its origin and evolution. [s.l.], 1969.
ML3111 .E55 1969
Bradley, Lee. A lexical companion to the hymns of the Sacred harp. Valdosta, GA: Southern Conference on Language Teaching, SCOLT Publications, c2005.
ML102.H95 B73x 2005
James, J. S. b. A brief history of the Sacred Harp and its author, B.F. White, Sr., and contributors. Douglasville, Ga.: New South Book and Job Print, 1904.
ML3070 .J3 1904A
Unknown. Minutes of Carroll, Cobb, Coweta, Douglas, Floyd, Fulton, Haralson, Heard, Paulding, and Pope counties, Georgia, sacred harp singing. [N.p., n.d.]
ML3188 .M568x
Bealle, John. Public worship, private faith: sacred harp and American folksong. Athens: University of Georgia Press, c1997.
ML3188 .B43 1997
Miller, Kiri, John Plunkett, Earl V. Thurman, and Richard DeLong. The Chattahoochee musical convention, 1852-2002: a sacred harp historical sourcebook. Carrollton, Ga.: Sacred Harp Museum, 2002.
ML3111 .M534x 2002
Unknown. Minutes of Cleburne County Alabama Sacred Harp Singing. 1960.
ML3188 .M568x 1960
Unknown. Minutes of Cleburne County Alabama Sacred Harp Singing. 1964.
ML3188 .M568x 1964
Unknown. Minutes of Calhoun and Cleburne Counties Sacred Harp Singing. 1952.
ML3188 .M568x 1952
Unknown. Minutes of Calhoun and Cleburne Counties Sacred Harp Singing. 1953.
ML3188 .M568x 1953
Unknown. Minutes of Calhoun and Cleburne Counties Sacred Harp Singing. 1954.
ML3188 .M568x 1954
Unknown. Minutes of Calhoun and Cleburne Counties Sacred Harp Singing. 1955.
ML3188 .M568x 1955
Unknown. Minutes of Calhoun and Cleburne Counties Sacred Harp Singing. 1956.
ML3188 .M568x 1956
Unknown. Minutes of Calhoun and Cleburne Counties Sacred Harp Singing. 1959.
ML3188 .M568x 1959
Unknown. Minutes of Calhoun and Cleburne Counties Sacred Harp Singing. 1962.
ML3188 .M568x 1962
Unknown. Minutes of Carroll, Cobb, Coweta, Douglas, Floyd, Fulton, Haralson, Heard, Paulding, and Polk Counties, Georgia Sacred Harp Singing. 1957.
ML3188 .M568x 1957
Unknown. Minutes of Carroll, Cobb, Coweta, Douglas, Floyd, Fulton, Haralson, Heard, Paulding, and Polk Counties, Georgia Sacred Harp Singing. 1959.
ML3188 .M568x 1959
Unknown. Minutes of Carroll, Cobb, Coweta, Douglas, Floyd, Fulton, Haralson, Heard, Paulding, and Polk Counties, Georgia Sacred Harp Singing. 1963.
ML3188 .M568x 1963
Unknown. Minutes Alabama, Mississippi, and Tennessee Sacred Harp Singings. 1952.
ML3188 .M568x 1952
Unknown. Minutes Alabama, Mississippi, and Tennessee Sacred Harp Singings. 1953.
ML3188 .M568x 1953
Unknown. Minutes Alabama, Mississippi, and Tennessee Sacred Harp Singings. 1954.
ML3188 .M568x 1954
Unknown. Minutes Alabama, Mississippi, and Tennessee Sacred Harp Singings. 1955.
ML3188 .M568x 1955
Unknown. Alabama, Georgia, Mississippi and Tennessee Annual Sacred Harp Singings. 1957.
ML3188 .A433x 1957
Unknown. Alabama, Georgia, Mississippi and Tennessee Annual Sacred Harp Singings. 1958.
ML3188 .A433x 1958
Unknown. Alabama, Georgia, Mississippi and Tennessee Annual Sacred Harp Singings. 1959.
ML3188 .A433x 1959
Unknown. Alabama, Georgia, Mississippi and Tennessee Annual Sacred Harp Singings. 1960.
ML3188 .A433x 1960
Unknown. Alabama, Georgia, Mississippi and Tennessee Annual Sacred Harp Singings. 1961.
ML3188 .A433x 1961
Unknown. Alabama, Georgia, Mississippi and Tennessee Annual Sacred Harp Singings. 1962.
ML3188 .A433x 1962
Unknown. Directory and Minutes of Annual Sacred Harp Singings. 1963-1964.
ML3188 .D574x 1963-1964
Unknown. Directory and Minutes of Annual Sacred Harp Singings. 1964-1965.
ML3188 .D574x 1964-1965
Unknown. Directory and Minutes of Annual Sacred Harp Singings. 1965-1966.
ML3188 .D574x 1965-1966
Unknown. Directory and Minutes of Annual Sacred Harp Singings. 1967-1968.
ML3188 .D574x 1967-1968
Unknown. Directory and Minutes of Annual Sacred Harp Singings. 1968-1969.
ML3188 .D574x 1968-1969
Unknown. Directory and Minutes of Annual Sacred Harp Singings. 1969-1970.
ML3188 .D574x 1969-1970
Unknown. Directory and Minutes of Annual Sacred Harp Singings. 1970-1971.
ML3188 .D574x 1970-1971
Unknown. Directory and Minutes of Annual Sacred Harp Singings. 1971-1972.
ML3188 .D574x 1971-1972
Unknown. Directory and Minutes of Annual Sacred Harp Singings. 1972-1973.
ML3188 .D574x 1972-1973
Unknown. Directory and Minutes of Annual Sacred Harp Singings. 1973-1974.
ML3188 .D574x 1973-1974
Unknown. Directory and Minutes of Annual Sacred Harp Singings. 1974-1975.
ML3188 .D574x 1974-1975
Unknown. Directory and Minutes of Annual Sacred Harp Singings. 1975-1976.
ML3188 .D574x 1975-1976
Unknown. Directory and Minutes of Annual Sacred Harp Singings. 1976-1977.
ML3188 .D574x 1976-1977
Unknown. Directory and Minutes of Annual Sacred Harp Singings. 1977-1978.
ML3188 .D574x 1977-1978
Unknown. Directory and Minutes of Annual Sacred Harp Singings. 1978-1979.
ML3188 .D574x 1978-1979
Unknown. Directory and Minutes of Annual Sacred Harp Singings. 1979-1980.
ML3188 .D574x 1979-1980
Unknown. Directory and Minutes of Annual Sacred Harp Singings. 1980-1981.
ML3188 .D574x 1980-1981
Unknown. Directory and Minutes of Annual Sacred Harp Singings. 1982-1983.
ML3188 .D574x 1982-1983
Unknown. Directory and Minutes of Annual Sacred Harp Singings. 1983-1984.
ML3188 .D574x 1983-1984
Unknown. Directory and Minutes of Annual Sacred Harp Singings. 1984-1985.
ML3188 .D574x 1984-1985
Unknown. Directory and Minutes of Annual Sacred Harp Singings. 1985-1986.
ML3188 .D574x 1985-1986
Unknown. Directory and Minutes of Annual Sacred Harp Singings. 1986-1987.
ML3188 .D574x 1986-1987
Unknown. Directory and Minutes of Annual Sacred Harp Singings. 1987-1988.
ML3188 .D574x 1987-1988
Unknown. Directory and Minutes of Annual Sacred Harp Singings. 1988-1989.
ML3188 .D574x 1988-1989
Unknown. Directory and Minutes of Annual Sacred Harp Singings. 1989-1990.
ML3188 .D574x 1989-1990
Unknown. Directory and Minutes of Annual Sacred Harp Singings. 1990-1991.
ML3188 .D574x 1990-1991
Unknown. Directory and Minutes of Annual Sacred Harp Singings. 1991-1992.
ML3188 .D574x 1991-1992
Unknown. Directory and Minutes of Annual Sacred Harp Singings. 1992-1993.
ML3188 .D574x 1992-1993
Unknown. Directory and Minutes of Annual Sacred Harp Singings. 1993-1994.
ML3188 .D574x 1993-1994
Unknown. Directory and Minutes of Annual Sacred Harp Singings. 1994-1995.
ML3188 .D574x 1994-1995
Unknown. Sacred Harp Singings. 1995-1996.
ML3188 .S237x 1995-1996
Unknown. Sacred Harp Singings. 1996-1997.
ML3188 .S237x 1996-1997
Unknown. Sacred Harp Singings. 1997-1998.
ML3188 .S237x 1997-1998
Unknown. Sacred Harp Singings. 1998-1999.
ML3188 .S237x 1998-1999
Unknown. Sacred Harp Singings. 1999-2000.
ML3188 .S237x 1999-2000
Unknown. Sacred Harp Singings. 2000-2001.
ML3188 .S237x 2000-2001
Unknown. Sacred Harp Singings. 2002-2003.
ML3188 .S237x 2002-2003
Unknown. Sacred Harp Singings. 2003-2004.
ML3188 .S237x 2003-2004
Unknown. Sacred Harp Singings. 2004-2005.
ML3188 .S237x 2004-2005
Unknown. Sacred Harp Singings. 2005-2006.
ML3188 .S237x 2005-2006
Unknown. Sacred Harp Singings. 2006-2007.
ML3188 .S237x 2006-2007
Unknown. Sacred Harp Singings. 2011-2012.
ML3188 .S237x 2011-2012