For a quick search of Library materials use the search box below.
EuroDocs: Online Sources for European History
Western European Studies Section (WESS Web): Essential online resources related to West European Studies
German Studies Web: Essential online resources related to German Studies. (Part of WESS Web)
Compact Memory: Retrospektive Digitalisierun jüdischer Periodika im deutschsprachigen Raum: 1806-1930 German-language Jewish newspapers and journals
Germanistik im Netz: searches various Germanics databases and catalogs.
The Sophie Project: A digital library of works by German-speaking women
Project Gutenberg (German): Digitized books in German that are in the public domain (pre 1923)
Austrian Books Online: Digitized holdings of the Austrian National Library
Austrian Literature Online: Digital books, mostly related to Austria
Video tutorial| search strategy worksheet (Hunter College)
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This video may help you rethink your search.
Sometimes you don't find the full-text of an article in a database. Here's how you get the actual article:
If the database does not have the Find It button, then you need to check out this video, illustrating how to follow these steps: