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Latin American Studies

Subject Librarians

Anne Barnhart and Craig Schroer are your Latin American Studies library liaisons. You can email Anne or Craig for help or use our online form to request an appointment to meet with a librarian online (via Wimba). We are also happy to arrange times to give live synchronous research workshops to groups from your class. You can request this through your professor or through the same online form.

Get Help!

Schedule an Appointment With A Librarian

Connect with a skilled and experienced UWG librarian in your discipline!  Appointments may be for individual or small group research help, and generally may be scheduled either in person or online.

24/7 Chat Reference

We also have 24/7 chat reference service available 365 days a year. This is part of a library cooperative system so you may receive help from an academic librarian at UWG or another university.