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This is a guide about the online information literacy course, LibraryDen, created by Anne Barnhart and Ingram Library

About the LibraryDen Team

LibraryDen is a project that was developed with the help of many UWG faculty, students, and staff. Below is a list of those who helped with the original Fall 2020 LibraryDen.

Anne Barnhart envisioned LibraryDen and led the project team.
Melissa Farley coordinated the moving parts and volunteers and did most of the coding and design work.
Craig Schroer assisted with organizing the modules and worked on edits and updates.
Beth Sheppard did a careful reading as a faculty tester.
Lori Dixon-Leach wrote the majority of the questions used in the self-assessments and quizzes, especially the ones with popular culture references.
Other question writers: Casey Cobb; Margie Good; Emily Holsey.

The following student assistants worked as testers for the project:
Rose Agyeman
Alexis Billingsley
Miles Byars
Austin Cronan
Dakota Duckworth
Bailey Dunnahoo
Tajah Frazier
Mackenzie Hanners
AJ Howard
Larrissa Iles
Hope Lee
Khalia Neily
Kameron Martin
David Patterson
Patricia Pujol
Isaiah Sears
Brandon Spencer
Christopher Stewart
Emily Wheat
Jackson Witsell
Michaela Wright


Subsequent versions of LibraryDen have been improved by the feedback of faculty and students who have used it in their courses and while it is not possible to list everyone, we appreciate all the constructive comments! Go West! Go Wolves!