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This is a guide about the online information literacy course, LibraryDen, created by Anne Barnhart and Ingram Library

Information for UWG Faculty

How can I use LibraryDen in my course?

LibraryDen is a separate course coordinated by Ingram Library. If you are interested in having your students enrolled in LibraryDen, please contact Anne Barnhart (barnhart@westga).  Our default is to send you progress reports for your students every two weeks but we can adjust that to meet your course needs. We will also add you as a TA (grade/no design) to LibraryDen if you want to monitor your students more closely.


Do you have suggestions for assignments to pair with LibraryDen?

Yes, we do. LibraryDen teaches the theory of doing research and with its auto-graded content it assesses students' mastery of those theories but does not give them space to apply what they learn in practice. LibraryDen is most effective when paired with course assignments that require students to use library resources and evaluate information. We have suggestions for paired assignments and reflection questions for different modules. Just ask and we're happy to send it to you!


How long does LibraryDen take?

Based on our student testers, we estimate that LibraryDen takes about 5 hours of time to complete. This is for students who read all the linked texts, take all the optional self-assessments, and complete each quiz once. Some students might skip portions of LibraryDen. Others might review sections and take the quiz a second time and thus take longer.


How do you recommend I weight LibraryDen in my course grade?

This is up to you. Since it takes roughly 5 hours to complete, we estimate it could be worth 5-10% of the student's final grade. Other faculty have assigned it as extra credit only. Faculty who assign it as extra credit typically have fewer students who complete LibraryDen.   


What if some of my students tell me they have already completed LibraryDen in a different course?

When we designed LibraryDen, we anticipated that this could happen. Therefore we made all the reading links and self-assessments optional. This means that students can use LibraryDen as a refresher by taking the survey, pre-test, module-level quizzes, and final assessment. We estimate it takes 30-45 minutes for students to complete LibraryDen as a refresher in this manner. You could also ask to see their completion summary from when they took LibraryDen and opt to give them credit for that. 


Why do I have to have LibraryDen as a separate course instead of just embedding LibraryDen modules in my CourseDen?

For now we are keeping LibraryDen as a separate course so that we are able to constantly update it to reflect changes in the library. For example, if a database changes its name or if a URL changes, we want to be able to update LibraryDen.


What if LibraryDen is more extensive than what I need or want for my students? Do you offer other options?

LibraryDen is just one of many options that Ingram Library faculty offer to support your students. Please see our Instructional Services page for descriptions of other learning objects and opportunities that you might want to incorporate. You can also check our workshop schedule


Where can I learn more about LibraryDen?

You can watch this video about LibraryDen: