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Racial Justice

Resources in the Ingram Library and from the General Internet that provide information on Racial Justice with special attention to Racial Justice in Georgia, Race and Housing, Black Lives Matter, and Trauma related to Racial Injustice.


  • This particular page of the American Civil Liberties Union site focuses on the facts of racial injustice and its results.  It provides an overview of the most current news and issues.  The ACLU is an organization of lawyers and has been around for over 100 years. They work on cases across the United States in both State and Federal courts. They deal with topics ranging from racial justice, prisoner’s rights, criminal law reform and immigrant’s rights by providing typically free legal services. This website provides excellent research on racial justice from a lawyer’s perspective.

American Psychological Association

  • In addition to promoting its own magazines (some of which are in the Library's databases and may be accessed through the main Ingram library search box), on this particular site the APA provides links to several open access articles written by those who study the psychological effects of racial injustice.  

(Photo Credit:  Tim Pierce "End Racism" License CC BY 3.0)

The Annie E. Cason Foundation

  • This blog highlights the differences between race equity and equality.

Center for Constitutional Rights

  • This organization keeps their website updated with all current legal racial injustice cases that their organization is pursuing.. Further, this organization supports grassroots organizations that are dedicated to working with communities that are greatly affected by racial injustice. Their press center and blog release daily reports including topics such as injustice in ICE facilities, injustice from police, and injustice in healthcare.

Center for the Study of Social Policy

  • This organization fights for racial equity and justice.

Equal Justice Initiative

  • This group empowers communities to change  and to learn and promote peace and justice. The Equal Justice Initiative (EJI) was founded in 1989. They focus on prison issues regarding racial justice in America. They also work in “communities that have been marginalized by poverty and discouraged by unequal treatment.” The EJI provides reports and research, and creates short films and memorials in order to educate America on racial issues. They hope to change “the narrative about race in America.”

Harvard Business Review -- Moving Beyond Diversity Towards Racial Equality (HBR.ORG)  Blog Post by Ben Hecht, June 16, 2020.  

  • Explains the damage racism has done to this country and how we can slowly move towards racial justice.

The Inequality Organization

  • This organization conducts ongoing research and reports on inequality in many different current events. For example, in Nov. 2020 their top reports focused on how racial inequality is apparent through COVID-19 charts, as well as how inequality may effect the ongoing election -- both current topics at the time.

Racial Justice Action Center

  • The Racial Justice Action Center was founded in 2013. Their mission is to help marginalized communities in various capacities to move forward in their vision of a “radically restructured society, where justice exists for all people.” Their specific area of focus is in the Atlanta area and in supporting “grassroots” organizations, but the information provided is helpful for everyone.

The Racial Justice Site

  • Resources on Racial Justice provided by the U.S. Human Rights Fund.

Showing Up for Racial Justice (SURG)

  • From the website:  "SURJ is a national network of groups and individuals working to undermine white supremacy and to work for racial justice. Through community organizing, mobilizing, and education, SURJ moves white people to act as part of a multi-racial majority for justice with passion and accountability."

Southern Coalition for Social Justice

  • From the website's "About" page:  "The Southern Coalition for Social Justice is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization founded in August 2007 in Durham, North Carolina by a multidisciplinary group, predominantly people of color, who believed that families and communities engaged in social justice struggles need a team of lawyers, social scientists, community organizers, and media specialists to support them in their efforts to dismantle structural racism and oppression."


  • Amongst its objectives the YMCA seeks to eliminate racism and empower women.