Welcome to UWG and Ingram Library!
This guide will give you information about what resources the library provides to you as well as an introduction to some basic research skills.
This page will give you a quick overview of the content of the guide.
Research is a tricky and messy process. It is completely normal to get stuck, frustrated, and confused. Because of this, Ingram Library has many ways that you can get research help when you need it. Don't hesitate to ask for help--that is why we are here!
If you have a straightforward question about the library (hours, status of your checked out materials, your library account or PIN number, how to use GIL Express, etc) you can call the circulation desk: 678-839-6502.
24/7 chat reference service can help with general library 'business' and basic research questions (Does the library have this book? What database should I use for this topic? How can I find information about how to cite this resources? Can you help me find a scholarly source for this paper?). Access chat reference from the box below, or using the widget on the main library homepage: Westga.edu/library
Contact a librarian for more in-depth research questions:
Access our 24/7 Chat Reference Service