When you do a literature review, one way to see if there have been new developments is to do a forward search for an author of an article or book. When you forward search, you are looking for others who have cited the work of the author.
Here are two ways to search for sources that have cited a source you are using.
Google Scholar
Search for the article in Google Scholar and then click on the "Cited by" link to see sources that have cited the author of your article.
Here's an example of a search for an atricle about music and memory by Lutz Jäncke:
[PDF] Music, memory and emotion Lutz Jäncke
L Jäncke - J. Biol, 2008 - biomedcentral.com
Abstract Because emotions enhance memory processes and music evokes strong emotions,
music could be involved in forming memories, either about pieces of music or about
episodes and information associated with particular music. A recent study in BMC ...
If some of the sources listed are books, you can check Ingram Library's
GIL catalog to see if they are available at Ingram Library. If they're not, don't forget to try
GIL Universal. And if the book is not available from another USG school, you can use Interlibrary Loan.
If an article you want to read is not available as a PDF or HTML full-text, you can see if we have access to the journal where the article is published at the
GALILEO journal locator.