Danaher, John. "Advice on Publishing Peer Review Articles." Philosophical Disquisitions. May 24, 2007.
Danaher provides advice on how to react to those who have reviewed your submissions, the virtues of collaborating with another author, and what sort of material to fast-track to get in print quickly.
Rothman, Barbara Katz. "On the Merits of Graduate Students as Book Reviewers" Footnotes. 33.3 March, 2005.
Rothman talks about the value of reviewing books for graduate students and extols graduate students for often being both more impartial in the act of reviewing and more aware of current literature in their respective fields than some senior academics.
Weinberg, Justin. "A Publishing Guide for Graduate Students". DailyNous January 21, 2021.
A blog post about publishing articles. Weinberg answers questions about everything from how long one waits to hear back from a publisher, to what to do when one is rejected.
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