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Scholarly Resources and Services

An introduction to scholarly communication and various resources for researchers at UWG.

Helping Authors Evaluate Journals for Publication

think check submit logoA coalition of scholarly publishers and associations collaborated to create this short checklist for authors to refer to when evaluating a journal as a possible place of publication for his research. By asking a few short questions and evaluating the journal according to the checklist, authors can be assured that the journal they are considering, whether subscription based or open access, will be one of quality, rigor, and respect.

Think: Ask yourself, can you trust this journal with your research? Does the journal publish research you would read yourself?

Check: Is the organization or publisher of the journal identifiable? Can you contact them easily? 

For journals with publication fees (color charges, Open Access) - are the fees clearly listed on the publisher's website? Reputable publishers should list their fees clearly and publicly. 

Do you know the names or reputations of any of the editorial board members? 

Are the articles indexed in services you use within your subject area?

Submit: If you can answer yes to these questions, then submit!

Another useful list of criteria for evaluating journals is the "Principles of Transparency and Best Practices in Scholarly Publishing," which outlines sixteen best practices to which scholarly journals should adhere.

Avoiding Predatory Journals

  • Journal Evaluation Rubric. Rele, Shilpa; Kennedy, Marie; and Blas, Nataly, "Journal Evaluation Tool" (2017). LMU Librarian Publications & Presentations. 40.  This is a downloadable PDF. 
  • Scopus Sources Review --  A database of peer-review literature with Impact Factors and other data to assist in journal evaluation.