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Scholarly Resources and Services

An introduction to scholarly communication and various resources for researchers at UWG.

Indexing and Abstracting Books and Articles


Yes, Publishers of books and monographs often require authors to create their own indexes!  In fact, if a publisher offers indexing there may be a clause in the author contract that indicates that the publisher will deduct the cost of preparing the index from author royalties.  

Yes,  Most journal publishers require the author write a short abstract to accompany the article.  

No.  Unlike Research Universities, UWG does not have a professional editor on staff to proofread or prepare indexes.  That being said, there are some resources that may be consulted highlighted below.  

  • Indexing Guidelines for Authors --  (Wiley Author Services). Although targeting to Wiley authors, provides  some general guidance including links to some indexing tools (some of which require payment). 
  • Indexing in Word -- Cambridge University Press  Video Tutorial.  Shows how one can tag in Word and then generate a final index.