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UWG 1101: Introduction to the Library

Information Literacy Student Outcomes

Using these materials, students should be able to...

1. Recognize different areas of the online and physical library space in order to more efficiently utilize appropriate library resources.

2. Understand how to get research help when needed.

3. Know how to access materials off campus.

Using this exercise in UWG 1101

Hello UWG 1101 Instructor!

The library is excited to work with you all on an interactive activity that will allow your students to have a better understanding of what the library is for and how they can use it. This activity will be used in lieu of the face-to-face presentations. This assignment allows students to explore the library at their own pace and start to create their own research workflow. It also frees up library faculty and staff time so that they can interact with students more on a more meaningful, one-on-one basis.

There are two parts to this exercise:

1. The Amazing Library Race is a self-paced exercise that allows students to discover the library by answering a series of questions. As you will see, this activity allows students to, among other things, know where the GALILEO password is located (which will allow them to access library materials off campus), learn how to look up and find books in the library, and get research help. We have attached an answer key if you would like students to be able to turn this assignment in for a grade.

2. Map the library! gives students an opportunity to learn about the different areas of the physical library. We suggest splitting the class into groups of three and letting each group map one floor of the library, but you can certainly assign each student to map all three floors. The assignment itself is a blank map with specific questions that correspond to each floor.

You can assign this exercise as homework for students to complete at their leisure, or visit the library during your class time. If you choose the latter, please let us know so that we can make library faculty and staff aware, and hopefully have a librarian on hand to greet your students. You can fill out this form to let us know when to expect you: UWG 1101 Library Visit

Both assignments together should take around 50 minutes.

If you have questions about this assignment or how best to administer it contact Jessica Critten:

The Amazing Library Race!

If you assign this as a group exercise, you might have students each find as many different books as there are students in a group, or to choose one subject and, therefore, one book. 

Fall 2017: Amazing Library Race 

Fall 2017: Amazing Library Race answer key (Do not share with students) 

Map the Library!

The teacher instructions are suggestions about ways you might use this assignment. Feel free to adapt the exercise to meet your class needs or time constraints.

Mapping the Library Fall 17 Instructor Instructions